book illustrations


Valuing Nature: The Roots of Transformation

“When a group of liberal arts students embark on a university assignment about the natural environment, no one could have quite prepared them for the bewildering array of questions and provocations to confront them in their task.

“What starts out as an earnest attempt to understand nature in the modern world, turns into a philosophical and practical tangle that only a good transdisciplinary education can provide. Can anyone save the day and actually start to value ‘nature’? And if they can’t, then what’s stopping them?”

Illustrated together with Rob Fish, this illustrated graphic guide to valuing nature explores the various frameworks—from economic to social to political to philosophical—that we have traditionally used to define and shape our relationship to nature.


Als es uns gelungen ist, unsere Erde zu retten
As we managed to save our Earth

Illustrated and released in 2019 after the publication of the IPCC Report 2018 on climate change, this book vividly illustrates two of the potential climate scenarios outlined in the report: one scenario in which >3° warming has taken place by 2080, in which we see extensive environmental degradation and species loss, and one in which we successfully limit warming to 1,5° by 2080 and avert a climate catastrophe. The book can be read from two sides, each side detailing one of the scenarios. In the middle of the book is a section that outlines how to get engaged to fight against climate change. The text was written by Marie Heitfeld and set in “easy German” by Constanze Lopez. The book was published by Germanwatch e.V. and is available for download or to order via the button below (in German language only):